Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana

Description : The Prime Minister announced the Prime Minister’s Rural Road Scheme on August 15, 2000, to provide roads to villages that were previously unconnected. This is a centrally sponsored scheme, and it is implemented according to the guidelines of the central government. The objective of PMGSY is to provide all-weather road connectivity to unconnected areas in rural regions with a population of 500 or more (250 or more for tribal areas).
Under the Prime Minister’s Rural Road Scheme Phase-I,(2000-2013) a total of 24,210 km of 5,607 roads were approved, out of which work on 24,167 km of 5,599 roads has been completed. Additionally, out of 677 approved bridges, 673 bridges have been completed. A total expenditure of ₹7,241 crore has been incurred for this phase.
Under the Prime Minister’s Rural Road Scheme Phase-II,(2013-2019) Maharashtra state was sanctioned 2,585 km of roads and 108 bridge works under this phase. All these road and bridge works have been completed with an expenditure of ₹1,437.32 crore.
The central government launched the Prime Minister’s Rural Road Scheme Phase-III in 2019.Under Phase-III a total length of 6,550 km as been allocated for Maharashtra. This phase will focus on upgrading rural roads, with priority given to roads connecting secondary schools, health centers, and market committee centers.
Under PMGSY-III, the central Ministry of Rural Development has approved the construction of 1,009 roads and 223 bridges for Maharashtra. So far, the work on 376 roads totaling 3,057 km has been completed and remaining works are in progress.
GR/Circular/Guidelines : The guidelines of the central government.
Eligibilty Criteria : Road Development Plan 2001-2021 prepared by the Public Works Department of other district roads and rural roads in the state of Maharashtra
Benefits of the Scheme Improve the connectivity in rural areas which benefits to Development of rural areas with respect to trade,agriculture,Health,Education,Economy and Social Awareness (HDI)
How To Apply