
    Yashwant Panchayat Raj Abhiyan

    • Date : 12/03/2006 -

    State Sponsored

    Brief information about the scheme

    • From the financial year 2005-2006, on the occasion of the birthday of Late Yashwantra and Chavan (March 12), an award scheme has been started for the Zilla Parishads, Panchayat Samiti and Gram Panchayats who have done excellent work in administrative management and development work among the Panchayat Raj institutions in the state at the divisional level and state level.

    • Since the R.R. (Aba) Patil Sundar Gaon scheme, which has been renamed as “Smart Gram Village” for the Gram Panchayats in the state, is being implemented newly from the financial year 2016-17, the government has decided not to include Gram Panchayats in the “Yashwant Panchayat Raj Abhiyan” scheme.

    • Under this award campaign, the best Zilla Parishads, Panchayat Samiti are selected after evaluating the work done in the previous financial year.

    • A memento and certificate are given along with the award amount. While the meritorious officers and employees working in the Panchayat Raj system are honored with a badge and a certificate of appreciation.
    • Only one Panchayat Samiti of that department that wins the first prize at the divisional level and only one Zilla Parishad that comes first from the division are eligible for the competition held at the state level.
    The number of awards distributed by the state government at the state and divisional level under this scheme is as follows.

    No. Panchayat Raj Institution State Level Divisional Level Total Number of Awards
    1 Zilla Parishad 03 0 03
    2 Panchayat Samiti 03 18(03×6 Division) 21
    Total 24

    • While selecting the Panchayat Raj Institutions for the awards, the nature of the award, the institutions eligible for the award, the factors to be considered at various levels for the award and the evaluation method, the best first, second and third rank Zilla Parishads are given prizes of Rs. 30.00 lakhs, 20.00 lakhs and 17.00 lakhs respectively at the state level.
    • The first, second and third ranked Panchayat Samiti are given prizes of Rs. 20.00 lakhs, 17.00 lakhs and 15.00 lakhs respectively at the state level. Similarly, the first, second and third ranked Panchayat Samiti at each division level are given prizes of Rs. 11.00 lakhs, 8.00 lakhs and 6.00 lakhs respectively.
    • The said award distribution program is organized every year by His Excellency the Governor, under the chairmanship of the Chief Minister and in the presence of the Deputy Chief Minister.
    Heading of Account and Financial Provision (Year-wise)

    Expenditure to be incurred for this campaign Requisition No. L-3, 2515- Other Rural Development Programmes, 101- Panchayati Raj, 31- Subsidiary Grants (01) (04) Incentive Grants to Zilla Parishads and Panchayat Samiti for excellent work in implementing Special Programmes and Gram Abhiyan Programme (2515 0062). The total amount of prizes to be given to Zilla Parishads and Panchayat Samiti and the expenditure for the prize distribution programme is provided in the budget estimate every year.

    Nature of benefit of the scheme

    It is an incentive scheme for Panchayat Raj Institutions and the prize money given to Panchayat Raj Institutions is given for group benefit.

    Criteria of the scheme.

    A government decision is issued every year. Annexure A for Zilla Parishad and Annexure for Panchayat Samiti attached to the said government decision contains a questionnaire containing criteria and issues regarding the evaluation of the performance of Panchayat Raj Institutions. (Government decision dated 23.11.2020 is attached.)





    How To Apply